Tag Archives: Unemployment

Obama Said What?

From Michelle Malkin:

Obama administration advises new French president: For sake of world economy, don’t raise taxes and increase spending

By Doug Powers • May 7, 2012 04:34 PM

Sounds to me it’s a mixed message.

Over-Regulation Kills

Coal Business. People. Faith. Life giving water. Ability to drrive to work. Economy.

Take your pick.

Actually, you don’t have to. The oversized federal government is doing it all – just for you. And to you. Us, that is.

Can we shrink government now? It has proven it will not follow the Law of the Land, our Constitution. So, they are completely lawless. Throw them in jail.

Misguided Likely Poorly Educated Next Generations

That may be my title for this post, but I didn’t coin the problem.

Watch the video here and you will see just how significant this problem truly is.

Then, see if you agree with the title – and particularly the educator in the news video.

Someone is truly messing up the minds of the next generation(s).

It’s long past time to correct that and tell the truth why the United States has always been the place for people to start a new a better life.

If we lose our exceptionalism because of the likes of socialist/marxist wannabees, not only will no one want to come here to improve themselves …. but there may be nowhere else for anyone to go. Anymore.

It’s called – kissing it goodbye.

Is that what you want? Not me. Not anyhone I know. How about you?

Allen West Tells Liberals Where To Go

Fuel Costs To Increase Soon

One culprit, EPA. Just look what is happening (and has) in St. Croix (U.S. Virgin Islands)

Say Thanks to the EPA and the POTUS for making living & working much more expensive.

And remember who said “NO” to building the Keystone Pipeline.

Let The Sunshine In On Solyndra Escapade

Remember that company? The one that the Obama regime bailed out (even though they would still close down)?

Well so do a lot of us.

Apparently, the White House knew Solyndra was going to fold but WH told them to hold off until AFTER the mid-term elections.

That’s criminal. How do you like your change now?

Remember in November 2012. And here’s an ad by the Americans For Prosperity to help you remember.

Stealing From Social Security

House Republicans may save Social Security

That’s the title for a post by Don Surber. But within that post is a little nugget that explains where the next “stimulus” would come from. Apperently, the President would like to take a quarter of a trillion right – out – of – Social Security’s trust fund.

How do you like him now?

This Is Not Politics

This is obstructionism at its worst.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) tried to bring up the House-passed payroll-tax bill for a vote with the intention of summarily rejecting it, but Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) objected. McConnell pushed for the Senate to first vote on an omnibus spending bill that would fund much of the federal government through 2012 and avert a shutdown after Friday night.

The two leaders ended their exchange with no immediate path forward. McConnell urged Reid to negotiate with Boehner, but Reid said “the Speaker can’t negotiate with me until this bill is killed” — referring to the payroll-tax measure.

Read the whole thing.

No Thanks POTUS

No Thrill Up His Leg

Seems Chris Matthews might be seeing no light at the end of this Administration’s term? Is that right?

What? Is Chris Matthews trying to become Conservative?

Don’t make me laugh.