Tag Archives: Intolerance

Ohio Bridge Bomb Plot

Yeah, about that ….

Here’s a little something:
Liberal Media Attacks Romney For Supporter Shouting “Treason” at Rally – Silent As Obama Endorsed Goons Plant Bombs on Bridges
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 4:53 AM

And why is the Obama camp silent about being pro Occupy movement now? Too much violent evidence to the contrary I suppose.

Candidate Obama Cures Homelessness in ’08

The Wayback Machine revs up in time for today’s SCOTUS examination of the individual mandate.
Here’s looking at your illogic Mr. Pres**ent.

(He was against individual mandate before he was for it. Sound familiar?)

What A Crock

American pride is now racist in and of itself??????

The Other Fluke

So which is it?

Sandra Fluke Argued for Mandatory Coverage for Sex-Change Surgery

From: The Other McCain

Don’t know about you, but I do not like being scammed – by Congress – putting up a distraction like this when there are more serious matters before this country.

Hear that, Mikulski and Cardin? How about you, Dutch? Steny? Van Hollen?

You really think we are going to fall for this?

After Birth Abortion

That is not my idea. I noticed this in today’s email reminder of the topics discussed on todays Glenn Beck program.

Disgusting, if these jokers are indeed serious. They had better not be.

‘Ethicists’ justify after birth abortion

To Sex Or Not To Sex

Apparently, it’s no longer a question.

Here’s a few recent items:

Gov. Christie vetoes N.J. gay marriage bill
Maryland House Of Delegates Passes Marriage Equality Bill and
DOJ Won’t Defend Laws Preventing Equal Treatment for Servicemembers With Same-Sex Spouses

So what we have here is NJ’s Governor vetoes a bill where MD’s Governor is (almost) ecstatic that he may soon sign into law a “marriage equality” legislation package.

But what the heck is a “conditional veto”? Is that a Jersey thing?

Anyway, what does it matter anymore since the DOJ is now deciding it won’t have anything to do with enforcing any legislation having to do with or against “marriage” of any kind? Is it the stench of the Fast And Furious scandal that soured the taste of any type of law enforcement? (cough) Naw, that can’t be it. Or, is it that the DOJ won’t even bother with allegations of voter initimidation? (hack cough) Naw, DOJ is too busy suing states they claim are breaking NVRA (National Voting Rights Act) laws in preparation for the November 2012 elections? Hhhmm, don’t know, what do you think? In fact, when was the last time the DOJ actually enforced constitutional laws anyway?

Psst, isn’t marriage a religious Sacrament? Why would the Government have anything to say or do about that anyway?

“Congress shall make no law …..” Now where is that phrase found? Oh yeah.
The First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution.

How about that.

Obama’s True Gun Control Intentions

Obama’s Chief of Staff Exposes Obama’s True Intentions for Radical Gun Control in the U.S.

No kidding. This Pres**ent and Administration, especially including Hillary Clinton, have absolutely no real regard for the ENTIRE U.S. Consitution. They pick and choose. They know the truth, but won’t admit that to the public.

They cannot be trusted.

Besides the GatewyPundit article linked above, listen/watch the video here.

Just how “rational” is Hillary when saying – when was the last time you saw a deer wearing Kevlar?

Last thought.

If the U.S. Constitution is The Law of The Land, then why should a treaty over-ride our Constitution’s Laws?

Answer that one.

Archbishop To Our Troops

Archbishop to U.S. Troops:
Obamacare Reg ‘Is a Blow to a Freedom…for Which You Have Seen Your Buddies Fall in Battle’

(CNSNews.com) – Archbishop Timothy Broglio, who leads the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, wrote a letter to be read at all Sunday Masses for U.S. military personnel around the world that said that a regulation issued by the Obama Administration under the new federal health care law was “a blow” to a freedom that U.S. troops have not only fought to defend but for which some have recently died in battle.

“It is a blow to a freedom that you have fought to defend and for which you have seen your buddies fall in battle,” the archbishop wrote.

I agree with the Archbishop. I hope others will as well.

First Do No Harm

From a friend, there is a new web address that should be brought to the attention of all Marylanders, in particular, Baltimore County at this time.

First Do No Harm

This involves the upcoming vote in the Baltimore County Council concerning expansion of “rights” for transgenders and cross-dressers.

I strongly recommend you follow the link and learn more on this topic, and voice your opinion. Loudly.

This has the inevitable potential for driving a wedge into common sense and practical, ethical, family values. Be sure you understand the big picture here.

Is Planned Parenthood Unionized?


Susan G Komeen Foundation cuts off funds to Planned Parenthood, then restores it. Under pressure.

Michigan Governor Dayton refers to the state’s legislature as “extreme” when they press to have a Right To Work Law put to Referendum, bypassing him, for the sake of the people. In other words, preventing union leaders from taking funds from employees by forcing them to pay dues whether members or not.

So, am I confused? No.

Exactly when did it become “mainstream” to take money without permission (and it isn’t a tax, by the way) as well as force an organization to restore voluntary donations because the recipient feels slighted???????

There is somethimng seriously wrong with this picture. At least the Michigan legislature is trying to do the right thing for the people. PP? Don’t ask me.