Tag Archives: controversy

She Didn’t Dance in the Rain

About Elizabeth Warren, apparently she never participated in Native American events.
So sayeth:

Shelly Lowe, executive director of Harvard University’s Native American Program (HUNAP), told Breitbart News today that U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren had not, to her knowledge, participated in the program’s events while Warren was a professor at Harvard.

Read more at Big Government (by Joel Pollack).

Obama Said What?

From Michelle Malkin:

Obama administration advises new French president: For sake of world economy, don’t raise taxes and increase spending

By Doug Powers • May 7, 2012 04:34 PM

Sounds to me it’s a mixed message.

What A Crock

American pride is now racist in and of itself??????

The Other Fluke

So which is it?

Sandra Fluke Argued for Mandatory Coverage for Sex-Change Surgery

From: The Other McCain

Don’t know about you, but I do not like being scammed – by Congress – putting up a distraction like this when there are more serious matters before this country.

Hear that, Mikulski and Cardin? How about you, Dutch? Steny? Van Hollen?

You really think we are going to fall for this?

Mark Levin Talks of Fluke

From The RightScoop:

Levin to CNN, MSNBC, and other leftist media: You can go to hell

Right on, right on, right on, right on.

How Important Is Truthful Voting To You

We need responsible, mature, honest, non-partisan updates to our voting application, registration, methods.

Otherwise …., well, watch this. And guess how folks in Minnesota might feel about this issue.

(I overheard someone in COSTCO the other day returning a purchase. First thing the attendant said was they would need to see picture ID. How about that.)

Archbishop To Our Troops

Archbishop to U.S. Troops:
Obamacare Reg ‘Is a Blow to a Freedom…for Which You Have Seen Your Buddies Fall in Battle’

(CNSNews.com) – Archbishop Timothy Broglio, who leads the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, wrote a letter to be read at all Sunday Masses for U.S. military personnel around the world that said that a regulation issued by the Obama Administration under the new federal health care law was “a blow” to a freedom that U.S. troops have not only fought to defend but for which some have recently died in battle.

“It is a blow to a freedom that you have fought to defend and for which you have seen your buddies fall in battle,” the archbishop wrote.

I agree with the Archbishop. I hope others will as well.

First Do No Harm

From a friend, there is a new web address that should be brought to the attention of all Marylanders, in particular, Baltimore County at this time.

First Do No Harm

This involves the upcoming vote in the Baltimore County Council concerning expansion of “rights” for transgenders and cross-dressers.

I strongly recommend you follow the link and learn more on this topic, and voice your opinion. Loudly.

This has the inevitable potential for driving a wedge into common sense and practical, ethical, family values. Be sure you understand the big picture here.

He Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

But no, the White House opened it wide and condemned the killing of the Iranian Nuclear scientist.

Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum was right. Zippy should have zipped it.

Your Money Becomes Theirs

Heard of Solyndra, right? Apparently, more “green” companies are about to tank.
And what’s more, the Administration has had $2.4 billion in hand and planned for use involving these extra upcoming failures.

Now, what do you think about that? Criminal? Or truly incompetent at managing finances?

Either way, the wrong people are in charge within our Government. Remember November 2012.