Poor Future of Medical Care

It’s not only coming, it’s not only knocking at your door – it’s here, it’s starting.

And you had better pay attention.

An article describing the effect that Obamacare will have – I am experiencing. Right now.

Here is the link to the article in question – Scott Gottlieb: The Doctor Won’t See You Now. He’s Clocked Out.

The quality of care is what is being talked about, largely, in that article. But what I have learned directly is that it is fast becoming more expensive to the patient from the get go.

Bottom line for the doctors are that they are leaving their own private practice to become employees of hospitals.

But there is an immediate impact on what you have to pay.

One of my doctors that I see on a regular basis has done this (become an employee of a hospital). He doesn’t bill me. The hospital does. And it’s using different codes when submitting to your employer’s healthcare insurance that you have.

This means, for those of us not yet retired and having group insurance through an employer, you are no longer paying a fixed fee for a “doctor office visit.” Because it is no longer called a doctor visit.

Instead, you are an outpatient.

And that breaks your contract that you may have with your healthcare coverage through your employer.

What I used to pay as a copay ($40) to him, now instead may be closer to several hundred dollars if your deductible hasn’t been met yet.

Can you afford that? At all? What if you are retired on a fixed income?

Starting to get the picture? Because this is indeed happening right now. I tried arguing this point with the hospital, but they do not listen nor care to. They will not relent.

When I contacted my health insurance, I pointed out they still have that doctor, by name and practice, listed as a preferred doctor in their plan then explained his current employment. Fortunately, the insurance company decided to then make an adjusted payment to the hospital.

What has to be determined now is – if that is a one time thing or not.

Feeling nervous yet?

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